Natural Dyes -from a walk through the park.

It was a particularly windy day with clear skies and the smell of dried leaves in the air. I stopped my bike on a wooded trail and gathered a few pine cones, a couple sticks (for stirring) some acorns, and once I got home, I clipped a few fern fronds from my yard. The resulting ‘soup’ was rather delightful.

The pink is from avocado pit and skins (one avocado, but not from the walk). The warm  yellow was the from fern soup. Browner hues came from the nuts and cones, but the darkest brew was a result of all the green stuffs together (with added iron and onion skin) love the grey brown on cotton! (See the rt. side at the back of the drying bar).

About Lor

lor miller is an art educator, writer, program coordinator for UBC in Vancouver BC - where she lives with her husband and her mostly grown kids.
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