Inspired by Nature, Art, Science and Math

What inspires artists and artisans to make the work they do is as personal and individual as the artists themselves. That being said, we often turn to nature as a principal source of inspiration. Personally, I turn to the colours, textures and forms within the natural world, along with the light, shadow and the play between the two for my inspiration. Here is a photo I took from a garden I was visiting, and the other while walking through an art gallery. The piece “Women’s Work”, by Sinead Hickey, in particular stuck me as powerful and whimsical. I love the way it challenges the viewer’s expectations – a sign often found at sites of construction where few women, historically, have been present, yet, crocheting is commonly associated with women’s work – not an activity that is associated with caution. Art exhibition in Melbourne: 2018


IMG_9080The BEE – forever working – valued, critical to our wellbeing has long been associated with business – industriousness. I also simply find them lovely and inspiring.

CROCHET and MATH? really??? Crocheting has found its place in Math of all places. People who actually crochet, will not find this a surprise, but mathematicians have: 

If you want to produce your own hyperbolic planes with varying r values, see the instructions here. Hyperbolic plane 

